Health and Sustainability Program

The Health and Sustainability Program focuses on conducting research in the areas of transportation policy, planning, alternative energy, air quality, and public health to determine and communicate best practices and implementable solutions. Their work enables transportation decision-makers and practitioners to utilize a transportation system that is environmentally sustainable and provides equitable health benefits for all system users.  

Program Expertise and Capabilities

Public Health Impact & Equity

We investigate the effects of transportation systems on public health, focusing on air quality and its implications for community wellness. Our team strives to address health disparities caused by inequitable distribution of environmental hazards, particularly in transportation-dependent areas. We use advanced data analytics, epidemiological studies, and community-oriented research to inform policy and promote health equity in transportation decisions

Sustainable Transportation

We explore sustainable solutions for transportation systems to mitigate their environmental impact and enhance their resilience. Our focus encompasses reducing carbon emissions, promoting the use of sustainable materials, and advocating for efficient modes of transportation. We also investigate the societal changes needed to transition towards a more sustainable transportation ecosystem, including urban planning and societal behaviors, combining cutting-edge research with practical application.

Alternative Energy and Electrification

We lead pioneering research on the integration of alternative energy solutions, such as electric, hydrogen, and biofuel technologies, into contemporary transportation systems. We are dedicated to accelerating the adoption of these clean and renewable energy sources to reduce air pollution and combat climate change. Our team not only evaluates the environmental benefits of these alternative solutions but also assesses their economic feasibility, infrastructure requirements, and potential societal impacts.

Project Experience

Aside from providing technical assistance in demonstrating the interaction between transportation and public health, our program also has experience in numerous supporting studies, including but not limited to:

  • Health impact assessments
  • Environment justice and equity assessments
  • Public health evaluation, monitoring, and policy
  • Data analysis and visualizations
  • Public transportation studies
  • Sustainable transportation planning
  • Active living studies
  • Physical activity and obesity prevention studies
  • TRAP emissions and dispersion modeling and projections (Alternative Energy and Electrification)
  • EV adoption rate projections
  • Evaluation and forecast of alternative energy/fuels
  • Regulation and policy of transportation electrification and charging infrastructure
  • Demonstrating the benefits of green space interventions and multimodal transportation
  • Building the 14 Pathways
  • Developing metrics for transportation-health pathways
  • Creating a literature review to document existing frameworks for public health
  • Developing a community-based air quality monitoring approach to enhance traditional air quality monitoring
  • Conducting research to identify strategies, methods, models, and practitioner’s guidance that transportation agencies can implement to improve the health impacts of transportation
  • Developing guidance and resources for transportation air quality practitioners to understand and evaluate mobile source emissions reduction strategies
  • Building a web-based tool for monitoring air quality